workin on saves!!!

worried i might not be able to update tonight so im posting this little devlog to let you all know whats coming in the next update

5 new blocks

tweaks to how 1 block works

saves!!! (hopefully)

player model's head has a material now????

player also now has a name: Yellowhead (you will understand why when you see it)

yeah i also tried to do crouching but couldnt figure it out which is lame but maybe one day

theres just gonna be 3 slots so dont get too excited but heres a little warning: loag the thing will probably change to like "saveg the thing" or something because the button on top will be an unsaved session!!!! it only saves on the load thing!!! which wont be called load!!!! i cant think of anything else to mention but yeah file stuff is not easy sadly

if anybody wants like a specific thing just leave a comment and i might add it to procrastinate having to deal with saves but this only applies before the next update

oh yeah also the image showcases a new block

might add a keybind to stop the sun if that doesnt cause much lag

anyways this is the first real devlog i have done ever and i hope to work on this project for the years to come! world gen with gridmap is gonna be hell!

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might add third person camera first if i cant figure out saves but either way the update is gonna change the game in a big way